It was a beautiful spring day and Ron and Roy, Rons son, were just unloading the truck for the task of removing those pesky little critters. We walked out back where a shop sat under the shade of a large sycamore. I could see a bunch of bees on the wall of the shop and a tiny hole that must be the entrance to the hive. It wasn't long before Ron was suited up in his beekeeping outfit. I watched as they began to work. First they fired up what looked to me like a brass oil can which turned out to be the smoker, then Ron felt around the wall to establish where the hive was and then fired up the saw to remove the wall board. I watched with my camera rolling as Ron began to pull back the wallboard. Holy Crap! There were a lot of bees. Turns out this was a big hive of more than 40,000 bees. Roy stepped up with the smoker and began to let the bees get a wiff of the smoke to mellow them out. Sure enough it seemed to work, those bees were all over Ron and Roy and not seeming the least bit angry. I sighed with relief and kept snapping photos and taking video. Ron was explaining what he was doing as he worked. Soon the pain began. "Ouch" A bee had just stung my neck. And more seemed to be bumping into me and trying to get a piece of the camera man, "Dang" says I, "why am I getting stung clear over here?" Ron shrugged in his bee outfit, "not sure, this hive isn't that rowdy. You haven't been eating bananas have you?" "Bananas?" Turns out one thing that will piss off honey bees is the smell of Bananas. Being the proffesional Blogger that I am, I decided to man up. Somehow through the haze of banana maddened bees I was able to keep working and only got stung three times. Only dropped the Camera once.
Ron, removing the section of the comb that contains the queen.